Grin hardfork, New 2CryptoCalc, 10 000 miners online.
Cryptocurrency mining explained in plain words: mining software and hardware reviews including ASIC and GPU. Expert opinion on cryptocurrency market and future crypto mining outlook.
Grin hardfork, New 2CryptoCalc, 10 000 miners online.
Nervos CKB Asia and US Servers, Zcash Blossom Hardfork, Ethereum Muir Glacier Upgrade.
The end of the year is a perfect time to reflect and try to predict the future. The 2Miners pool team may not own a crystal ball, but we can identify major trends and features of the mining industry in the next year. We will talk about what to expect from cryptocurrencies and what you shouldn’t miss in 2020. Read more
Nervos CKB launch, XMR hard fork, multiple coin updates.
This year hasn’t been rich in new worthy cryptocurrencies. Grin is first that comes to mind with its mainnet launched in January. The project performs very well, and recently it has received 50 more bitcoins as an anonymous donation. Now it’s time for the Nervos to launch. Let’s get into it. Read more
We are waiting for the upcoming Monero hardfork. Its developers are willing to get rid of ASICs. To do so, they are going to shift to RandomX algorithm. Read more
RVN and AE successful hard forks, slow sync of ETC nodes, pool hardware update.
On October 1, Ravencoin was forked. The network got rid of ASICs and greatly improved its mining profitability. As a result, the number of miners on the 2Miners pool has become at least 3.5 times bigger. T-Rex allows you to mine this and other coins with Nvidia GPUs. Let’s get into it. Read more
For the last couple of weeks, Ethereum has been under fire. While the project developers are trying to find ways to lessen the network load, Ethereum has to deal with the excessive volume of transactions. It leads to an increase in mining fees and elevated transaction costs. Vitalik has come up with the solution, but it doesn’t work yet. Nervos Network has set up an ambitious goal to fix Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains. Let’s get into it. Read more