Cryptocurrency mining explained in plain words: mining software and hardware reviews
including ASIC and GPU. Expert opinion on cryptocurrency market and future crypto mining
In October 2020, Ethereum Classic miners got a pleasant surprise. ETC will enable cryptocurrency mining on 3GB GPUs (relatively old models). Plus, ASICs as well as NiceHash will not support ETC mining anymore. All of it is going to be possible thanks to the Thanos hard fork at the end of November. Let’s see what to expect from it.
2Miners pool operators together with Lolliedieb (the author of Lolminer) has discovered a bug in the core library used in both Ethereum and Ethereum Classic after closely monitoring the epoch switch (we always do control important milestone switches for the cryptocurrencies we support).
The 2Miners pool lists 19 cryptocurrencies with 10 thousand online members. There is Ethereum with at least 4 thousand miners, Ravencoin, Bitcoin Gold, Zcoin, Ethereum Classic, and other popular cryptocurrencies. However, the pool often gets requests about adding Zilliqa that supports dual mining (mining two cryptocurrencies at the same time). We decided to put its profitability to test.
Mid-2020 wasn’t the best time for Ethereum Classic. The network suffered from several 51% attacks in August and September. As a result, miners lost a lot of their earnings. ETC took action by decreasing the DAG file size. This way, even 3GB GPUs can mine ETC and the hash rate is significantly higher. But this is not the only positive change. Let’s see what to expect from ETC in the future.
The popular Claymore’s miner will stop mining Ethereum Classic and Ethereum soon. We tested popular alternatives for the Ethash algorithm. 2Miners launched the test pool and experimented with the AMD and Nvidia graphics cards.
The end of 2020 is complicated for Ethereum miners. Starting from epoch 382 (December 16), all 4GB GPUs will stop mining the cryptocurrency. The problem is the gradually increasing DAG file size. Luckily, the developers are working hard to find a solution, and they already have one.
August 2020 hit Ethereum Classic quite hard. The cryptocurrency network has suffered from the big 51% attack more than once. Because of the attack and massive split, miners have wasted money and multiple hours of work. The developers have taken action. One of the solutions is to decrease the DAG file size, which will allow using old 3 GB GPUs for mining. Let’s get into it.