Cryptocurrency mining explained in plain words: mining software and hardware reviews
including ASIC and GPU. Expert opinion on cryptocurrency market and future crypto mining
At the beginning of August 2021, Ethereum performed an upgrade called London. The biggest change in the cryptocurrency network is the new way transaction fees work and ETH burning. At the same time, mining pools can’t perform transactions with low gas price anymore, which is why 2Miners Ethereum pool has introduced the new payout model. Let’s see how to modify the payout threshold for ETH miners.
Dear Ethereum Miners! The London Hard fork happened at block 12,965,000 and the controversial EIP-1559 was implemented. We described the changes in the Ethereum Network in simple terms on the blog post Ethereum London Hardfork – What Does EIP-1559 Change?
Probably all those who are involved in cryptocurrency mining in one way or another have heard about the upcoming change in Ethereum: the so-called hard fork codenamed “London”, which activates changes from EIP-1559. Let’s look at this update.
In May 2021 Bitcoin and its Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism attracted criticism. The reason was Elon Musk’s statement where he called BTC mining unecological. As a result, the cryptocurrency market went down, and some cryptocurrencies even transitioned to new mechanisms like Proof-of-Stake. Ergo is not one of them. It holds a special view on miners and ensures that cryptocurrency mining will always be stable. Let’s get into it.
60 000 Miners in the pool, Ethereum Berlin Hardfork, PPLNS system updates for Monero, ZEL has become FLUX, MEV in Ethereum pool is now shown on the blocks page, and new mining software.