Cryptocurrency mining explained in plain words: mining software and hardware reviews
including ASIC and GPU. Expert opinion on cryptocurrency market and future crypto mining
Ethereum Classic 51% Attack and Lucky Days on ETC, Akroma Failed Hardfork, ANON, and WhaleCoin Delisting Multiple 51% attacks on Ethash coins have happened at the beginning of January. The most significant was an attack on ETC blockchain. Later on, the attacker has probably returned the funds to the miners via abnormal transaction fees. ANON and WHL have been delisted from 2Miners. Few new coins are expected to be added very soon.
We’ve already noticed the problems with MOAC cryptocurrency network this month. Today there was a new 51% attack and we’ve performed a small investigation.
On the 25th of January, 2Miners team has delisted ANON coin. ANON developers have performed the hard fork on block 37 000. 10% dev team fee was included in the update – nonsense for a coin like that. Being the pool with the highest hashrate 2Miners was not earning any money from this coin. Conversely, 2Miners were losing some due to the expensive servers. On the 1st of February, one more coin would be delisted from 2Miners – WhaleCoin (WHL).
Usually, miners are concerned with two things: “how to hold out till the end of the month” and “which coin to mine in order to buy a sports car in a year”.
A couple of days ago ANON team announced a mandatory update which takes effect on block 37 000 (approx 27th of January). We want to describe our point of view briefly on this matter.
The end of last year was hard for cryptocurrencies. The Bitcoin Cash hard fork and ensuing hash war crashed the market, dragging it down to a yearly low. In the first half of December 2018, Ethereum was trading at $85, while Bitcoin was trading at $3,400. The crisis mostly affected miners that were forced offline due to low or nonexistent profits. Since then, exchange rates haven’t changed much, unlike toughened rig owners and ASIC miners. It’s about time we discussed profitable mining options in 2019.
ERC-20 along with smart contracts will be transferred to the new blockchain. Common users don’t have to do anything. Moreover, after the upgrade, they will pay less gas for token transactions.
December was no doubt the hottest month of the year. We’ve implemented 2 new coins on new mining algorithms: Monero on CryptoNightV8 and ZCoin on MTP. Ethereum mining pool has found a lucky 181-ETH block. The pools have been updated to meet the latest Nicehash requirements.
Bitcoin Cash hard fork, one of the biggest events in the cryptocurrency world, happened on November 15, 2018. Up to the very end, there were a lot of inaccuracies in the media about the matter, because the cryptocurrency fork generation process is not very easy to understand. Let’s address this – today we will talk about the basics of cryptocurrency blockchain upgrades.